It’s hard to properly launch a business without introducing the top-level management. So here are the two CEOs of Baby Foodie, Audrey (3) and Logan (18 mo.). It is my pleasure to work underneath such adorable management but they are, without a doubt, the most demanding managers I have ever had. While they expect me to be on call 24/7, I do it gladly because they motivate and inspire me every day to be my best self.
Though they may not be featured in a lot of Baby Foodie material, the people pictured here with me are my heart and the heart of Baby Foodie. My husband, Kirk, and I enjoy working for these two and everyone plays a large role in the business. Audrey and Logan are my product development team and facilitate my continuing education and person development program while Kirk is the head of quality control, approves all marketing materials and product packaging, troubleshoots, and does anything else the CEOs or I need to be done.
These three are part of a larger network of supportive family and friends who believe in me and support Baby Foodie. I have to recognize my parents for ALWAYS supporting my goals and ambitions and my little sister Leah, who supports me by editing my terrible photographs and making them look professional. There are so many others I could mention that have gotten me to this point but you know who you are!
My personal goal and the goal of Baby Foodie is to help other parents out there navigate parenthood by sharing my experiences as a traveling mother and providing convenient, affordable services to help you enjoy family travel. Let me know how you think Baby Foodie could help make your travels easier on the Contact page. There are lots of exciting things ahead for Baby Foodie that I can’t wait to share with you soon!
Thank you for your support!
– Rachael